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The Initiative

The Ghana Culture Forum was proposed and initiated at the UNESCO Consultative Forum on the “Power of Culture in Development” held at the erstwhile African Royal Beach Hotel, Nungua – Accra, on 28th April 2011. It became clear at the forum that the time was long past for a Civil Society Advocacy Forum on Cultural Heritage to be formed to pursue and intervene on issues related to the domain and its place in overall national development policies.



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Ghana Culture Week Symposium


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Adinkra Symbols and Copyright: Why should Ghanaians pay to use their Folklore?


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Kente: Tradition, Modernity and Identity


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The Ghana Culture week,

Get Involved

Ghana's rich tapestry of music, dance, and storytelling is under threat. Timeworn traditions fade, silenced by the echoes of progress. But at the Ghana Culture Forum (GCF), we're weaving a brighter future, thread by thread.
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